Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello Boots!

Having a birthday in the midst of the years most joyous & cheerful season definitely has it's advantages. I'm not just talking about the abundant amounts of snow (positive thinking! that's everyones new years resolution, right?) and the 2 weeks of festivities that i shall always claim are to celebrate the day of my birth, but for the past 5 years or so I've been lucky enough to unwrap a Tung Vo original creation custom made for moi! In the years past I've accumulated my signature winter coats for the entire season as well as a pair of red leather moccasins that were barely in my possession because we had displayed his handy work on the shop floor for a few days and after a few offers from girls with their holiday cash in hand--sold to the highest bidder! Oh well, an entire year rolled by and I've got my feet nuzzled into a new pair of hand made tan deer skin slouchy moccasin boots that I happily unveiled on my 24th. And unlike last years gift these are not up for grabs by any means, they'll be glorified on the blog and oggled by passer bys while they're safely on my own little feet. Oh but if you must, stay tuned or drop by to see what can be done for you!

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